Research centers

CERCIS | CEntre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs

The CEntre for Research on Circular economy, Innovation and SMEs (CERCIS) is an interdepartmental center of the University of Ferrara. Created in 2018 by the Department of Economics and Management as part of the project “Department of Excellence” (2018–2022) funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), it extends today to the Department of Engineering, the Department of Environment and Prevention Sciences, the Department of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Sciences. CERCIS activities include: to strengthen the education to research at a post-graduate and doctoral level; to strengthen synergies with business and administration, creating networks and additional funding opportunities; to expand and to deepen research on circularity, innovation and small-medium enterprises. The Center aims to improve the capability to observe and understand innovative change, business-setting transformations, investment in knowledge and infrastructures that are essential to link circularity to other major transformations such as Industry 4.0, especially in those sectors more directly affected by European, national and regional regulations.

CERVAP | Public Value Research Center

The Public Value Research Center is a research centre of the University of Ferrara that was founded in 2019 based on the idea of creating a community of people who wish to research, apply and disseminate innovative models for creating and measuring Public Value. The Center performs and offers: scientific research with operational impacts that can be immediately applied and are easily replicable and contextualized; advanced training and interactive professional development oriented towards active learning; Public Engagement and transfer of knowledge for disseminating best practices and innovation.

CIFREL | Centro Interuniversitario di Finanza Regionale E Locale

The Inter-university Center for Regional and Local Finance (CIFREL) was founded in 1988 and develop theoretical and empirical research on public spending, with particular attention to its composition and structure (by levels of government, by function, etc. ), as well as its impact on territories, including urban and metropolitan areas. In addition to the University of Ferrara, CIFREL involves today the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Brescia, the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Turin. The administrative headquarters of the center is at the Catholic University of Milan.

CiMET | Centro universitario nazionale di economia applicata

The National University Center for Applied Economics (CiMET) is an inter-university center focused on industries, local systems and businesses, as well as policies for industry and development, with particular attention to the spatiality and internationalization of phenomena. CiMET also promotes applied approaches through case studies, fieldwork, permanent laboratories, the involvement of companies and institutions. Born in 2005 from the initiative of three universities (University of Ferrara, University of Florence, and Polytechnic University of Marche), twenty partner universities join CiMET today.

CMCS | Center for Modeling, Computing and Statistics

The Center for Modeling, Computing and Statistics (CMCS) is an interdepartmental center involving the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, the Department of Economics and Management, and the Department of Engineering of the University of Ferrara. The mission of the CMCS is to develop and implement mathematical models, softwares and simulations for various applications (e.g. waste treatment and disposal and environmental remediation), as well as to organize public and informative events on Italian and foreign experiences in the center's fields of interest, plus any other activity connected to cultural, scientific and technical innovation in the center's fields of expertise.

CREIC | Centro di Ricerca sull'Economia dell'Innovazione e della Conoscenza

The Research Center on the Economy of Innovation and Knowledge (CREIC) is an interdepartmental center that involves the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Engineering and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Ferrara. CREIC promotes, develops and coordinates research projects and programs, encouraging the integration of complementary skills through an interdisciplinary approach.

CRISAL | Centro di RIcerca sull'economia e management della SALute

The Research Center on Health Economics and Management is an interdepartmental research center aiming to deliver scientific research, consultancy, specialized training, dissemination and professional updating in the domain of economics and management. CRISAL conducts research projects sponsored by public and private institutions on management, economic control, evaluation, performance of public and private healthcare facilities. The Center performs research also in collaboration with international institutions and foreign fellows. Since 2008, CRISAL has carried out its activity in partnership with the Ettore Sansavini Foundation (Health Science Foundation) based in Lugo (RA, Italy). Since 2010 CRISAL and the Foundation have co-directed a collection fo studies in Healthcare Law and Management published by Maggioli.

SEEDS | Sustainability, Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies

Sustainability Environmental Economics and Dynamics Studies (SEEDS) is an inter-university research center including the University of Ferrara, the University of Siena, the Roma Tre University, the Roma Tor Vergata University, the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Udine, the University of Bologna, and fellows from non-affiliated institutions. SEEDS focus on economic studies in the field of ecology and the environment, with particular attention to the role of policies and innovation. SEEDS’s mission is to develop and promote research and higher education projects for the transition towards a sustainable society.