CRISAL | Centro di RIcerca sull'economia e management della SALute

The Research Center on Health Economics and Management is an interdepartmental research center aiming to deliver scientific research, consultancy, specialized training, dissemination and professional updating in the domain of economics and management for the world of healthcare and assistance.

The Center carries out research projects sponsored by competitive tenders (such as European projects; calls of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of University and Research; etc.), by external institutions and by private companies on topics such as management, control, performance, evaluation, digitization, environmental and social sustainability, of public and private healthcare facilities. The Center also conducts research projects in collaboration with international institutions and foreign fellows.

Among the annual educational initiatives:

CRISAL involves the Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, the Department of Engineering, the Department of Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, as well as the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Ferrara, the local health agency (ASL) and the university-hospital agency in Ferrara. The scientific trajectories of the center are identified by a board of directors including representatives of all entities above. The Center is directed by Prof. Emidia Vagnoni, who is also the contact person at the Department of Economics and Management.
