Third Mission

In addition to research and education, the Department of Economics and Management is committed to transfer its knowledge, making it accessible to the society and stakeholders. These activities include: a contribution to managing spin-off companies; research activities commissioned by public and private organizations; continuous training, lifelong learning, and open education; information and dissemination to a non-academic audience (public engagement). The evaluation of Third-Mission activities is entrusted to the Departmental Commission for Research and Third Mission.

Local community

The Department of Economics and Management delivers initiatives for continuing education, as well as for the dissemination, in-depth analysis, and debate of the results of its research and their impact on important current issues. Please visit our News section to find out more about these initiatives.


As part of its incoming strategy, the Department of Economics and Management organizes initiatives at high schools and opens its doors to students to get a firsthand look at their future academic experience. The reference point for school activities is the Departmental Commission for Incoming, Tutoring, and Communication.

Practitioners and entrepreneurs

The Department of Economics and Management is open to collaborations with companies, organizations, and associations on commissioned projects and initiatives and to knowledge transfer. Please contact a field Researcher or, alternatively, the Director of the Department of Economics and Management to explore collaboration opportunities.