

The Director of the Department is a full-time full professor affiliated to the Department elected by the Council for a four-year office and a maximum of two consecutive offices. The Director represents the Department and is responsible for its management according to the law, the Statute of the University of Ferrara and its regulations. In particular, the Director: convenes and chairs the Council of the Department; is responsible for implementing the resolutions of the Council; appoints Deputy Directors and Point persons for specific tasks; approves expenses at the Department, in compliance with the spending autonomy of the research-funds holders; prepares all accounting documents in collaboration with the Secretary of the Department; decrees on specific matters identified by the internal rules to implement actions; decrees on other matters for necessity, opportunity or urgency, pending a ratification by the Council; acts on the organization of resources and staff according to the guidelines issued by the University; monitors the compliance of all activities at the Department with current rules and laws (Statute of the University of Ferrara, article 36; Regulations of the Department of Economics and Management, article 5). 


Massimiliano Mazzanti

Deputy directors: 

Enrico Bracci

Susanna Mancinelli

Giovanni Masino


The Council is the assembly of the Department, planning and managing all activities. Members of the Council at the Department of Economics and Management are: all professors affiliated to the Department, including those appointed on a fixed-term; representatives of graduating students, doctoral students and postdoc research fellow (one per each group); representatives of the administrative staff. The Council is convened and chaired by the Director, who prepares the agenda, at least once every two months and, in any case, in good time to discuss and to approve: accounting reports; accounting forecasts; QA reports and documents. The Council is further convened whenever the Director deems it necessary or upon a motivated request from at least one fifth of the members. The Secretary of the Department or her delegate also participates in the meetings with administrative functions. The Director can also invite experts, with no right to vote, that are deemed providing a relevant contribution to debating specific issues in the meetings (Regulations of the Department of Economics and Management, articles 6 and 7).


Minutes of meetings (access with credentials)

Executive committee

Members of the Executive committee are the Director (chair), a maximum of nine additional members among Professors, and the Secretary of the Department or her delegate (secretary). Members are proposed by the Director and approved by the Council of the Department. The Executive committee is convened by the Director at least twice a year, or as requested by at least one third of its members. The Executive committee is aimed to prepare the works of the Department Council and to support the Director, taking final decisions only on matters delegated by the Council (Regulations of the Department of Economics and Management, article 8). 

Current members: 

Enrico Bracci

Greta Cestari

Alberto De Franceschi

Eleonora Lupini (Secretary of the Department)

Salvatore Madonna

Susanna Mancinelli

Giovanni Masino

Massimiliano Mazzanti (Director of the Department)

Leonzio Rizzo

Lauretta Rubini

Joint Lecturers-Students Commission

The Joint Teacher-Student Commission (CPDS) provides opinions on programs’ settings, assesses the coordination among modules, and formulates proposals in order to improve and innovate teaching activities. Furthermore, the CPDS assesses: if the drafts of class and exam calendars comply with all rules; if the exam settings are coherent with the learning outcomes to be assessed; if actions on programs are effective. The CPDS also checks: if the expected outcomes of educational programs are in line with the job market; the regular and accessible publication of updated, impartial, objective, quantitative and qualitative information about programs (SUA-CdS); the collection and publication of students’ opinions. Finally, the CPDS yearly reports on students’ opinions and drafts proposals for improving the quality and effectiveness of programs. Members of the Joint Teacher-Student Commission (CPDS) are one or more lecturers and students, in the same number of lecturers, from each Graduate-Program Council in the Department. Graduate-Program Coordinators (or equivalent figures) and Department Directors cannot be part of the Commissions for fairness. Lecturers in the CPDS are appointed by the Department Council; students in the CPDS are elected among those enrolled in each Graduate program offered by the Department. The CPDS is periodically formed by a resolution of the Department Council, and remains in office for two years. Members can be re-designated or re-elected consecutively just once (Regulations of the Department of Economics and Management, article 11). 

Current members:

Mauro Aliano

Silvia Bertarelli (President)

Francesco Nicolli

Nedah Naseer (Student representative from the Bachelor program in Economia)

Maria Assunta Giuliano (Student representative from the Master program in Economia e Management per la Creazione di Valore)

Federico Rizzi (Student representative from the Master program in Economics, Management and Policies for Global Challenges)

Annual reports (access with credentials)

Additional commissions

Incoming, tutoring, communication: Maria Novella Bugetti, Caterina Cavicchi, Fulvio Fortezza (coordinator), Francesco Nicolli, Mouhcine Tallaki, Education Manager

Internationalization: Alberto De Franceschi (coordinator), Sandrine Labory, Francesco Nicolli, Elisa Pampolini, Giorgio Prodi

Recruitment of temporary lecturers and teaching assistants: Monia Castellini, Francesco Nicolli, Stefania Ragni

Post-graduate programs: Monia Castellini, Enrico Deidda Gagliardo (coordinator), Emidia Vagnoni

Research and Third Mission: Davide Antonioli (coordinator), Nicolò Barbieri, Domenico Berdicchia, Enrico Bracci, Federico Frattini, Sabrina Masturzi, Antonio Musolesi, Francesco Nicolli, Beatrice Orlando

Research dissemination: Antonio Musolesi, Leonzio Rizzo (coordinator)

Point persons

Business Game: Marianna GilliGiorgia Gobbo

Communication: Fulvio Fortezza

EMIS Doctoral program: Emidia Vagnoni 

Outgoing: Domenica BerdicchiaGiovanni Masino

Relations with chartered professions: Giuseppe Marzo

Inclusion: Sandrine Labory

Relations with companies and associations: Monia Castellini

University Library System (SBA): Caterina Colombo 

TOLC-E: Stefania Ragni

Entry tests for skills in mathematics and statistics: Stefano Bonnini

Entry tests for skills in literacy: Alberto De Franceschi

Joint and double degrees: Sandrine Labory