Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance at the Departmental level: system and accountability

The Departmental system for Quality Assurance (QA) system is aligned with and collaborates with the University's QA System. The Departmental system works according to the guidelines designed by the University Quality Assurance Board (PQA), which supervises the implementation of all QA procedures.

Each Department’s Director is responsible for quality-improvement actions in Research and Third Mission and for quality-improvement support in Education within the Department. Each Department’s Director shares the responsibility for quality-improvement in Education with the Graduate-Program Coordinators and Doctoral-Program Coordinators.

Departments plan, monitor and review their activities in all its missions (Education, Research and Third Mission) through a departmental plan, which identifies goals and actions (specified into targets and indicators) aligned with the University’s strategic plan. Achievements are monitored and revised yearly. In doing this, the Department’s Directors are supported by Departmental Commissions for Research and Third Mission.

All plan-related documents are approved by the Council of the Department, as scheduled by the PQA.

  • Current documentation for the Department of Economics and Management can be accessed in the Planning section of our website 

Domains of the Departmental system for Quality Assurance (QA)

Graduate programs

The responsibility for QA in Graduate Programs is on their Coordinators, each one supported by a Review Group (GdR) including at least one lecturer, one student, one member of the Steering Committee, and the Education Manager. The main QA processes consist in: activities for ministerial accreditation of programs; preparing the SUA-CdS and program regulations; drafting a yearly monitoring report (SMA) including, in case of critical issues, to target improvements, a discussion of the achievements also against the report from the CPDS; drafting a periodical review when necessary or requested by surveillance and accreditation entities. All QA processes for Graduate programs are shared, discussed and/or approved by their respective Graduate-Program Councils.

Doctoral programs

The responsibility for QA in Doctoral programs is on their Coordinators, each one supported by a QA Commission appointed by the Doctoral-Program Board. The main QA processes consist in: preparing a yearly plan including educational and research activities; drafting a yearly report. All QA processes for Doctoral programs are shared, discussed and approved by their respective Doctoral-Program Boards.


Departments create their own Research and/or VQR (Research-Quality-Assessment) Commissions, appoint members to the commission, produce and share materials and reports.

Third Mission

Departments create their own Third-Mission Commission, appoint members to the commission, produce and share materials and reports.

  • Access to 3Monitor (application for monitoring Third-Missions activities, login with Unife's credentials)

Joint Lecturers-Students Commission (CPDS)

Departments' organizational arrangements include a Joint Lecturers-Students Commission (CPDS) in order: to monitor educational programs, the quality of educational activities and student services; to identify indicators to assess achievements; to provide opinions about the settings of graduate programs.

  • Please visit the Management section our website to find more